1) I’ve just read somewhere that fruits and vegetables rich in bioflavonoids are useful in treating high blood pressure or hypertension naturally. Is it true ? What food is the richest source of bioflavonoids ?
2) I’m suffering from high blood pressure though I’m only 26 years. I would like to control my hypertension with an appropriate diet. I’ve heard that prunes, melons, banana, celery and carrots can help keep blood pressure under control. Do you know why ?
3) Does Fenugreek seeds can help to lower elevated blood pressure levels ?
4) Can garlic lower blood pressure ? Is garlic a real natural antihypertensive ? If yes, how much garlic should I eat ?
5) Can Vitamin C help to regulate blood pressure in a natural way ?
6) Can Coenzyme Q10 lower blood pressure ? What dosage is recommended for coq10 ? Which food contains coq10 ?
7) Since excess salt intake can increase my blood pressure, how can salt be replaced in food ? What substitute can be chosen ?
8) In this article, we explain 10 simple and effective ways or means to reduce blood pressure without using medication.
9) Is it possible to reduce pressure naturally by changing one’s eating habits ? Are there any foods that lower blood pressure ?