Notre système circulatoire est composé d’un réseau complexe de veines et d’artères qui s’étendraient sur près de 160 000 kilomètres si elles étaient retirées du corps. Les artères transportent le sang oxygéné et les nutriments vers les organes, tandis que les veines transportent le sang chargé de déchets vers le cœur. Parce que leurs rôles…
Auteur/autrice : Alexis Roger
Contre la Toux Grasse : 10 Remèdes Naturels Maison
La toux grasse, appelée aussi toux productive est un symptôme causé le plus souvent par une infection virale des voies respiratoires de type rhume, sinusite ou encore bronchite. On faut donc la distinguer d’une toux irritative et sans crachat appelée communément « toux sèche » ! Découvrez dans cet article, 10 remèdes naturels ou remèdes maison pour traiter…
How to Fight Cancer Naturally
1) I’m a 58-year-old man and have been suffering from prostate cancer for eight months. My daughter is suffering from breast cancer. I wonder if lycopene would have an effect on breast cancer and prostate cancer. What foods are high in lycopene ? ➤ Read this article 2) Finding cancer early is key to successful treatment. Know your body and watch for these 10 symptoms. ➤ Read this…
10 Warning Signs of Cancer You Should Not Ignore
Cancer can be a really scary thing because it seems so totally out of control. But what if you have more control over cancer than you’ve been led to believe. I want to go over 10 signs of cancer. Finding cancer early is key to successful treatment. Know your body and watch for these symptoms. 1. Fatigue There…
8 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
Do you suffer from hypertension ? What did your doctor tell you ? More and more patients complain that their doctor gives them little practical information on how to eat better to try to lower blood pressure naturally, they are more concerned with prescribing the latest fashionable medical specialty ! Of course it’s a cliché,…
10 Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally
Uncontrolled high blood pressure consistently above 140/90 mm Hg is a serious health problem that can lead to heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. In this article, we explain 10 simple and effective ways or means to reduce blood pressure without using medication. Someone you love suffers from high blood pressure, do not…
How to Substitute Salt – Low-Sodium Diet
Common salt or sodium chloride (NaCl ) is a remarkable substance which flavours all our preparations. Formerly, when the refrigerator did not exist, salt was used to preserve food in good condition. But now that our houses are equipped with refrigerators, we continue salting all our food, and too much. How can salt be replaced…
High Blood Pressure and Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also called ubiquinone, is a molecule that plays an important role in microscopic power plants called mitochondria in each of the billions of cells that make up the body. Coenzyme Q10 is involved in the manufacture of another molecule known as adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP provides the cell with the energy…
Vitamin C and Blood Pressure – Lower Hypertension
Do you suffer from hypertension ? Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure monitor that gives two numbers. The first number is the systolic pressure when the heart contracts and its normal value does not exceed 135 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) on average for a healthy person. The second number is the diastolic pressure…
Can Garlic Lower Blood Pressure ?
« It is often said that garlic has many therapeutic properties and it lowers blood pressure. I have hypertension and I want to know if this is true. Is garlic a real natural antihypertensive ? If yes, how much garlic should I eat? » What many scientific studies have revealed Some scientific studies have demonstrated…