Fenugreek is an Indian herb (‘Methi’ in Hindi) and popular spice that is widely used for cooking but it can be used for medicinal purposes as well. The plant is a small annual leguminous herb belonging to the family of fabaceae that is commonly found growing in the Mediterranean region of the world. It is…
Burdock Root and Acne – Burdock Uses & Benefits
Are you looking for a natural treatment to get rid of acne ? Acne vulgaris or common acne is the most common form of acne that affects 60-70% of people at some time during their lives. Acne vulgaris lesions include whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts which appear commonly on face, neck, shoulders, chest,…
Café au Ginseng : Bienfaits et Comment le préparer ?
L’une des alternatives les plus courantes à un expresso classique est le café au ginseng, qui est devenu de plus en plus populaire de nos jours. Cette boisson chaude est consommée à la fois à la maison et dans la restauration. Café au Ginseng, c’est quoi ? Par rapport au café traditionnel, cette boisson alternative a…
Green Tea and Acne Scars – How to Use It ?
Are you looking for a natural home remedy to clear up your acne scars ? Scarring is frequent with cystic acne. When your acne develops pus-filled nodules, cysts are more likely to leave permanent pimple marks than other types of acne. How to get rid of acne scars naturally ? Green tea seems to be…
Treat Acne Naturally – Answers to Your Question
1) I’m looking for a natural home remedy to clear up my acne scars. I heard about green tea. Does green tea get rid of acne scars ? ➤ Read this article 2) How to get rid of acne fast with home remedies ? Does taking burdock root actually help with acne ? ➤ Read this article 3) I’ve heard…
Olive Oil and Alzheimer’s – Anti-inflammatory Effects
Are you accustomed to include olive oil when preparing your favorite meals ? This oil, highly appreciated for its taste and subtle, delicate aroma, is the foundation of Mediterranean cooking or the Mediterranean diet. The fact that extra virgin olive oil has medicinal properties when used internally and externally is no longer a secret !…
Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s – Cognitive Functions
Alzheimer’s disease affects about 1 million French and 5.5 million Americans. While the medical community seeks effective chemical treatments, those who care for the elderly may be more interested in a natural method that can slow or even reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Some researchers have found that coconut oil may be able to…
Alzheimer’s Disease and Essential Oils – States of Agitation
Are you in charge of a patient suffering from Alzheimer’s disease ? If this is the case, sometimes you feel completely exhausted and discouraged, is this not so ? This is particularly a difficult situation when it comes to watching over the health of a close family member or friend. Unfortunately you’re not alone in…
Green Tea and Alzheimer’s Disease
It has been thousands of years that many Asians have been consuming green tea daily. We now know that this plant has many medicinal properties, and that it affects the human body in many ways. Would a person with Alzheimer’s disease benefit from regular consumption of green tea? Many scientists agree that regularly consuming green…
Vitamins and Supplements in Alzheimer’s Disease
Some clinical studies of patients with Alzheimer’s disease have shown that a daily intake of certain dietary supplements helps to improve the symptoms of this neurodegenerative disease. On the other hand, it was observed that the judicious usage of nutritional supplements in the diet of people with Alzheimer’s helps to delay the progression of the…