If your waist size is too large, you are at risk for getting heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, types 2 diabetes and high cholesterol (LDL). You absolutely need to reduce waist size! You should strive for a healthy waist size less than 40 inches (102 cm) if you are a man and less than…
Does Ginseng Lower Blood Sugar Levels ? Diabetes Remedy
Diabetes, Symptoms and Effects Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism that affects how the body uses glucose, the main type of sugar in the blood. Fasting plasma glucose levels of more than 126 mg/dl on two or more tests on different days indicate diabetes. Diabetes is generally classified into three main forms, referred to as…
Treat Diabetes Naturally – Answers to Your Questions
1) I’m suffering from type 2 diabetes since last 4 years. I would like to know if ginseng root tincture (panax ginseng) is a good home remedy to lower blood sugar levels naturally. ➤ Read this article 2) Is it true that fenugreek can help lower level of glucose in the blood on type 1 and type 2…
Red & White Wine Benefits – French Paradox and Cholesterol
Is wine never missing on your table ? If that is the case, it shows that you love to marry your favorite dishes with a wine capable of enhancing their flavors. It’s all in your honor ! Red wine usually accompanies red meats and cheese. White wine, meanwhile, is better with fish, seafood, white meats…
How to Treat Bad Cholesterol Naturally
1) I have just had my cholesterol results and it appears that my triglycerides and cholesterol levels are borderline high ! Is fenugreek good for lowering cholesterol ? ➤ Read this article 2) What is meant by the expression « French paradox » ? What are the known benefits of a daily consumption of red wine or white wine ? How…
Lycopene Foods and Benefits : Cancers, Diabetes
What are carotenoids ? What is lycopene ? What are their medicinal properties ? Which fruits and vegetables do you encounter ? How these natural chemicals may help fight and prevent breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes in obese people ? What have scientific studies proved on this subject…
How to Lighten Inner Thighs – Dark Skin Natural Remedies
There are many skin lighting products available to consumers. Such a products are known as bleaching creams, skin brighteners or whiteners. Organic cosmetic brands are free of dangerous chemicals but they are more expensive. There is nothing better than preparing a homemade skin lightening remedy ! It costs almost nothing and is as effective as…
Banana Hair Mask & Banana Face Mask Recipes
If your skin has a tendency to be dry, rough or dehydrated, it is possible to remedy it in the most natural manner possible. One should know that the current ingredients such as banana, honey, oats, milk, yoghurt, and certain vegetable oils, contain essential nutrients that when applied to the skin repairs, moisturises and nourishes.…
Hazelnut Oil Recipes – Face, Hair and Body
Some cosmetics contain hazelnut oil. What are the benefits of this oil ? I invite you to discover its 8 main virtues. What makes this oil exceptional ? What ingredients does it contain? How can hazelnut oil be used for skin care and hair ? Discover three homemade recipes easy to make at home. Hazelnut…
Natural Body Care Remedies
1) Some body cosmetics contain hazelnut oil. What are the benefits of this oil ? ➤ Read this article 2) My legs are very dry and peeling. What should I do ? Is a banana mask a great way to hydrate my skin at home ? What are the cosmetic properties of a banana ? ➤ Read this article 3) Find…