Kiwi Face Mask Recipe - Kiwi Benefits for Skincare

Kiwi Face Mask Recipe


Rejuvenating the face with a natural beauty mask, it is a gamble to accept with an outstanding recipe ! How about a face mask which works in 6 ways on your facial skin at the same time in order to rejuvenate and beautify it ?


This facial kiwi mask is easy to make at home. Your skin needs to be cleansed, purified, hydrated, nourished and strengthened.


Do you need to revive the radiance of your complexion ? Are you looking for a way to reduce wrinkles and remove blemishes to regain a smooth skin ? The kiwi mask does all this.

Kiwi Face Mask Recipe


Ingredients :

  • 1 kiwi
  • 2 tablespoons of organic yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of finely ground almonds
  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon orange blossom water
  • 2 drops of orange essence oil

How to prepare the kiwi facial mask :


Blend the kiwi in the blender and add in this order the following ingredients: yogurt, orange blossom water, almond, honey and finely ground almonds oil.

Make sure the mixture is well blended. You must have a consistent cream without lumps. Now add the orange essence oil and mix again once more.


How to make a natural beauty mask :


Apply this homemade mask on the face, neck and cleavage. By using two or three fingers, gently massage the skin in a circular movement from the inside to the outside and from bottom to top . This massage will allow natural active ingredients to act fully.


Avoid areas around the eyes and lips. Once the massage is finished, leave the facial mask on for about ten minutes. Finally, rinse the skin with plenty of tepid water.


Properties of the kiwi mask : The 6 exceptional properties of this natural mask




Kiwi (Actinidia Chinesis) is a fruit rich in vitamin C ( 80mg of vitamin C per 100g of fruit). Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen synthesis. The kiwi has antioxidant properties due to Vitamin A and E (3mg per 100g) it contains.


kiwi beauty mask is a natural anti-wrinkle mask that helps to prevent the formation of facial wrinkles by neutralizing free radicals. The kiwi is a fruit that helps fight against cellular aging and has a restorative effect on the damaged skin.



Regularly using this facial mask on the face, neck and neckline allows for an excellent skin cleansing at home without having to go to the beautician.


kiwi has indeed enzymatic and cleansing properties prized in cosmetology. The skin is constantly irritated by pollution and makeup and requires gentle conditioning and cleansing care.




Many of you are seeking a recipe for a honey scrub. Well, the kiwi mask is ideal for gently exfoliating the skin of the face. It contains honey, and the crushed almonds are present in the recipe in order to exfoliate the skin without irritating it !




Like kiwi, almond oil is rich in vitamin A and E. It also contains proteins. Its texture, light and smooth, smoothens and makes supple the skin. This is an oil that has the ability to protect the skin and is particularly suitable for sensitive and delicate skin.


Honey helps to nourish the skin with the amino acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins it contains. The orange blossom water is a soothing and softening agent that regenerates the skin.




The yoghurt containing lactic acid which gives it moisturizing properties. The lactic acid often found in beauty products also has the virtue of making the skin firmer.


Honey is a natural moisturizing agent which facilitates the cohesion of water molecules in the dermis.


The orange essential oil rejuvenates mature skin by helping to regenerate the skin tissue.




Yogurt brightens and balances the complexion thanks to the lactic acid it contains. The kiwi also has the virtue of reviving the radiance of dull and tired skin.


Kiwi mask-for what types of skin ?


The kiwi mask has the advantage of suiting all skin types, as well as dry oily skin.


Author : Alexis ROGER

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