Chest Development - Push-ups for Chest & Creatine

Chest Development


For personal reasons, you would like to make your pecs muscular without bodybuilding equipment.

In this case, it is possible to increase your chest mass by regularly pumping it anywhere.

But know that the result will depend on the frequency and manner of the exercises.

A natural supplement, creatine, can help you to develop your chest faster. That is why we will tell you the best way to develop the pectoral practice pumps and explain how creatine affects muscle development.

Push-ups – The basic principle – Types of Push Ups


Recall how to perform basic movements of ordinary push-ups called ‘classics’:


Face down, with the body elongated, balance yourself on tiptoe. The feet are attached and arms are extended and stretched. It is important to position your body so that it remains straight. Most importantly, do not arch your back.


The exercise is to bend the arm while keeping the abs tight, in order to lower your body until your chest or chin touches the ground. A lowering and a raising up constitutes a push-up.


As for breathing, you must breathe in when you lower the bust, and expire as you raise the body back to its original position.


If you are a beginner, try to do several series of 5 to 10 pushups. Recover for 1 to 2 minutes between each set of push-ups.


This exercise causes the muscle of the arm (especially the triceps), the shoulders (anterior deltoid) pectoral muscles (pectoralis major), those of the serratus anterior (interconnecting the arm to the chest), lumbar and abdominal (cladding to stay balanced) to work.


Push-ups that help the muscles and quickly develop the pectorals


It is quite possible to beef up the chest almost exclusively only with push-ups. However, it is necessary to vary positions of the push-up movements.


There are three tips that can help you quickly develop the pectoral : 1) Vary the inclination of the body, 2) Position the hands correctly and 3) Make the task more difficult to perform.


1) Vary the inclination to accentuate the muscular work of the pectoral


In raising both feet, you work the clavicular pectoralis major (the upper pectoral muscle bundle) more. To press-ups by placing the feet on a support, for example a chair.


In raising the bust (hands on bricks for example), you will work mainly the lower part of the pectoralis major. Of course, the purpose of the exercise is the same: to touch the floor with the pecs. It’s hard, but it works!


2) Know how to position your hands properly!


The closer the hands are to the body (with the elbows along the bust), the more that you work the triceps. In contrast, to effectively develop the pectoral muscles, be sure to spread the arms. Place both hands beyond the shoulder width (about 15-20 cm below the shoulder).


3) Make the exercise in press-ups harder to achieve


In order to increase the difficulty of the exercise, you will have to increase the number of repetitions gradually. Your first goal is to do sets of 25 press-ups each. Over time you will be able to do a series of 30 or 40 press ups.


Many athletes practicing press-ups daily, will tell you that to develop good chest muscles, it is necessary to do press ups slowly. The slower the movement, the more the exercise becomes difficult and you will have better results.


Creatine supplement – A certain help !


Creatine monohydrate is a supplement used by bodybuilders. Many athletes and coaches use it to improve athletic performance. But what exactly is creatine ? How does creatine work ?


Creatine (Cr) is an oligopeptide, a natural substance which is produced in the liver, pancreas and kidneys from three amino acids : glycine, arginine and methionine. Another part of the creatine found in the body comes from the consumption of foods rich in protein.


Over 90 % of the creatine in the body is stored in the muscular tissue. An adult stores an average of 120 grams of creatine.


Creatine generates the last energy resources of the muscle cells. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the form of energy used by the muscles to work. At the time of muscular work, ATP is decomposed into ADP (adenosine monophosphate) from which energy is released. The ATP used at the time of effort is consumed in 10 to 15 seconds. After that, the muscle depends on phosphacréatine (PCr = + creatine phosphate ) to replenish the stock of ATP molecules.

Thus, increasing the amount of creatine available during an intensive, repetitive, and short period (as in the case of pumps) allows the muscles to provide or release ATP more quickly, as a result of which the athlete can work more (without exhaustion) and maintain a high level of strength and endurance.


A study by Mr. Kamber has shown that creatine is an ergogenic substance that raises athletic performance above that which would normally be possible by simply training.


Why are some athletes are encouraged to take a creatine supplement rather than simply ingest it through food ? For example, a large portion of red meat provides 1 gram of creatine, while a supplement is designed to provide the body with levels 3-10 times higher! A higher level of creatine than that provided by the food slows the onset of fatigue.


Creatine promotes protein synthesis, promoting muscle growth. A creatine supplement will help your muscles to gain volume through more intense exercise sessions.

Dosage of a creatine supplementation


Note that the sale and consumption of creatine is completely legal and free in France and in most countries. It is not classified as a drug product.


In some countries, like the United States of America, many athletes have the habit of taking doses ranging from 7-10 grams of creatine per day. Often they start with taking 20 grams divided into 4 – 5 parts, taken over 24 hours during a maximum period of 4 days.


However, in France the maximum recommended dosage is 3g per day! It is preferable to use a creatine supplement to heal for 2 months, then stop for two months before a recovery.


Where can one buy a quality creatine supplement ?



Precautions and Recommendations


It is essential to drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters of water) when taking the creatine supplement, because this substance, although natural, causes water retention in the muscles and causes dehydration in the rest of the body. Avoid drinking beverages containing caffeine (coffee, tea, etc.).


Until now, the use of creatine supplements has not posed any danger to healthy athletes. In contrast, this supplement should be avoided by the elderly, diabetics, and those with kidney disorders.


As for side effects, a creatine supplement can sometimes cause nausea, diarrhea, gastrointestinal pain and muscle cramps. If you feel unwell, stop taking the supplement immediately and consult a doctor!


Creatine has different effects on each individual. Some people will use it and see the effects in the week, others use but will need a longer time period of to see results.


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Author : Alexis ROGER

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